
15 sermons

Forgiven & Forgotten

Phil Chadder

keywords: brixton prison course prison forgiven forgotten

In this sermon by the Chaplian of London's Brixton Prison, the Scripture passage is saved for the end, for Phil Chadder begins by taking us on a tour of one of Britain's most prominent jails. as he asks what basic difference is there between a prisoner and any of us!

As the Lord forgave you

Mark Prentice

keywords: Colossians 3, forgive, hurt, damage, left, church,

Mark has met many people who have been hurt by their experience of Church. Here he talks from Colossians 3 about forgiveness.

A Second Chance

Luke Ijaz

keywords: gospel, good news, self-pity, situation, desperation, set apart, world, life, forgiveness, reeeive, fresh start

Good news! Don't wallow in self-pity despairing in your desperate situation. Decide to be set apart from this world and all its injustices. Choose life, receive forgiveness and be given a fresh start. Ask and you will certainly receive!

The Caring and the Carried

Randy Roberts

keywords: Pain, suffering, friendship, forgiveness

Here is a ‘Last Hope’ story from the Bible – with its question, “If getting to Jesus is a greatest hope – but also a greatest problem - how can ‘Probably’ ever become ‘Reality’?” Here is a preaching pastor, speaking from long experience of life.

The God Who Can Forget Sins!

Robert Cunville

keywords: The Cross, sin, forgivness, freedom

Here Robert Cunville draws on this vivid account of the Cross- and the people involved, including the dying thief next to Jesus.

Two lost boys

Keith Garner

keywords: Fear, Anger, Grace, Forgiveness, Joy, Love

In this chapter of ‘lost property,’ here is a vivid presentation of a story by Jesus that has captivated people all over the world. Notice how it begins and ends with the Father!


Barry Cooper

keywords: Clean and Unclean, Tradition, the Heart, Evil.

What is it that makes someone ‘unclean’ – according to the Bible’s teaching? Barry Cooper compellingly unfolds this passage from the teaching of Jesus – seen here as both a doctor and as God!

The Temptation of Jesus

Mark Prentice

keywords: Temptation, Sin, Devil, Christ’s Victory, Scriptures

Here in this titanic clash in the wilderness comes an assault by Jesus on the territory of Satan. Could the Righteous One be made to sin? As you take in this sermon, thrill to the assurance that in Christ your Leader, you too can beat down Satan under your feet!

The Teaching of Jesus

Mark Prentice

keywords: Falling Away, Following Jesus, Discipleship, Freedom from sin, Christ’s Teaching, Opposition to Jesus

John’s Gospel here helps us to see why some – who are apparently attracted to Jesus – then fall away. Learn here that Jesus isn’t about building a tremendous following. He is ‘writing a cheque.’ For us to cash it, He had to go to the Cross.

Have you got a God?

Steve Levy

keywords: Messiah, Enemies, Ascension, Pentecost, Conviction of Sin

‘The Lord said to my Lord….’ What do you make of these words? Here is some true and thrilling Welsh preaching on a Messianic psalm that is repeatedly quoted and featured in the New Testament – by Jesus in answer to the Pharisees, by Peter at Pentecost, in the letter to the Hebrews as we learn of Christ’s priesthood. Open your Bible, watch and listen – and make notes!

Learning the language of Praise

Simon Vibert

keywords: Praise, Worship, the Heart, Gratitude, Singing

In this sermon, Dr. Vibert makes the point that God always has the first word; prayer takes the form of answering speech, and thus praise represents the overflow of a grateful heart, and is itself a reflection of what the whole of Creation is saying! Here is much to inspire the praise of our own hearts - and of those in our meetings of fellowship.

The trashing of our past

Richard Bewes

keywords: Trial of Christ, Forgiveness, Martyrdom, Revenge, Blood, the Cross

We start at Christ’s trial and the insistence of the crowd that they be responsible for the death of Jesus. Here we learn about Forgiveness, what true martyrdom is NOT, Christ’s rejection of Revenge, the meaning of the word ‘Blood’…. and what can be done about the worst sin we ever committed.

Go and Make Known The Gospel

Roger Carswell

keywords: The Cross, Resurrection, Prophecy, Repentance, Forgiveness, the Trinity, The Gospel, Witness

Here Roger Carswell winsomely speaks of Christ’s words at Easter, to two downcast friends on the Emmaus Road. Before revealing his risen identity, he first explains that the earlier Scriptures were all pointing to him, and the necessity of his death and resurrection. Look out for Roger’s stories – and the four great things that they – and we – are to take in, and pass on!

Return to God with WORDS!

Roger Carswell

keywords: Hosea, Gomer, Unfaithfulness, Adultery, Idolatry, Restoration, Forgiveness

Some get puzzled on first reading of Hosea’s buying back of his unfaithful wife from her sex-slave masters. What does this signify? But Roger’s moving message begins with the single sentence of Hosea 14:2. Look out for his clarifying answers - summed up in just three words!

How do we qualify for Jesus?

Roger Carswell

keywords: Tax collectors and sinners, Pharisees, Lost sheep, Lost son, Penitent Thief, Saul of Tarsus, the Cross

Roger Carswell draws upon numerous events and people, during Christ’s ministry, as he counters the opinion that Jesus – and Christianity - are for the supposedly ‘good people’ of this world. If Jesus came for sinners, declares Roger, then we all qualify! And if it was not nails, what was it that that kept him on the Cross?